Thursday, November 10, 2011

Poinsettias, Wreaths & Garlands!

St. Pius X Christmas Bazaar is once again selling poinsettias, wreaths and garlands.

tropical pans

Christmas poinsettia trees

You can download the order form here or by clicking on the red poinsettia button on the blog.

A great opportunity to decorate for Christmas and support your school. Wreath and garland orders must be returned to school no later than November 21st and will be available for pick-up only at the Bazaar on November 25th.

Poinsettia orders will be taken up to November 25th (including at the Bazaar) and will be available for pick-up, at St. Pius, on December 8th between 8:30am-9:15am and 3:15pm-4:00pm.