Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bake Sale Table Information & Download Tags

Greetings Bakers!

Thank you for volunteering your culinary skills to the bake table. As many of you know the bake sale is a very popular table at the Christmas bazaar! It is a table that provides snacks to the kids; and it is also a great source for hostess gifts or your family’s Christmas treats. Below are instructions for those who haven’t participated before and even for those who have, some things have changed this year:

Popular Items
Wrapped candy pops (snip off sharp points), cupcakes and cookies are very popular with the kids. Loaves, muffins, plates of Christmas cookies, pies and cakes are big sellers with adults attending the sale and bring in a lot of revenue.

*note: there is a separate cupcake station for children to decorate their own cupcakes; this is not part of the bake sale and is free for the kids

Individual items should be packaged, especially this year as they may end up on the bus to St Vincent de Pius – sticky! Cupcakes can be wrapped individually and cookies in twos or threes. Many items were not packaged last year, and while this is very tempting for the kids, it is not as sanitary as we would like. We will have some extra baggies, but not enough for all items.

Fancy packaging for larger items such as loaves, plates of cookies, pies and cakes really helps sell the items at a premium – Martha Stewart it up for the school!

*McCalls or their local storefront at Bloor & Kipling is a great source for packaging. 
*The Bulk Barn stores also sell food grade bags and other packaging. 
*If you are really keen try Creative Bag online or their storefront location.

We will look after pricing all items.

We cannot accept anything with nuts . We have turned away loaves etc with nuts in the past, so please adhere to this request.Given a number of other allergies that children have, we request one label of the ingredients in your baking to post.

Drop Off
The baking drop off is earlier this year as one of the buses for St Vincent is coming first thing to the sale. Items should be dropped off by 8:45. 
  • You can drop them off the night before to the gym if they are in sealed hard plastic containers (not plastic bags!). 
  • Label your containers for pick up at the end of the bake sale. Maura and Colleen are the contacts in the morning, Mary is the contact at the end of the day.

Printable Tags and Bag Toppers!

You can now download printable tags and bag toppers for your bake sale donations.

Simply click on the red bake sale buttons to download the printable PDF files.
Print out the files, cut, and add to your baking.

Use the tags to identify what you have baked and any important ingredients/information.

Happy baking!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Poinsettias, Wreaths & Garlands!

St. Pius X Christmas Bazaar is once again selling poinsettias, wreaths and garlands.

tropical pans

Christmas poinsettia trees

You can download the order form here or by clicking on the red poinsettia button on the blog.

A great opportunity to decorate for Christmas and support your school. Wreath and garland orders must be returned to school no later than November 21st and will be available for pick-up only at the Bazaar on November 25th.

Poinsettia orders will be taken up to November 25th (including at the Bazaar) and will be available for pick-up, at St. Pius, on December 8th between 8:30am-9:15am and 3:15pm-4:00pm.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

St. Pius Athletic Wear

Just a reminder that you can get your order form for the St. Pius Athletic Wear here on the blog!

Monday, October 3, 2011

First Volunteer Meeting

Volunteers make this event possible. 
Thanks so much to everyone who has volunteered there time and skills to make the Christmas Bazaar a success.

Please join us in the school gym on 
October 19th at 7pm 
for our first Volunteer Meeting.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

2011 Vendor Application

The application for the 2011 St. Pius Christmas Bazaar is up on the blog. Just take a look over on the right side bar and you will find a link to the document with details.

You can also find it here: 2011 Vendor Application

Looking forward to reviewing applications for this year's event!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

2011 Christmas Bazaar Update


The 2011 Christmas Bazaar will be taking place on Friday November 25th from 9am to 7pm at St. Pius X Catholic School located in Bloor West Village.

Feel free to email us at with any questions/comments about this year's event.

Watch for more information coming soon.